090626(1) – A Letter to Michael Jackson. Remember the King of POP. 「流行樂之王」麥可·傑克森在昨日驟逝。

090626(1) – A Letter to Michael Jackson. Remember the King of POP. 「流行樂之王」麥可·傑克森在昨日驟逝。

090626(1) – A Letter to Michael Jackson. Remember the King of POP. 「流行樂之王」麥可·傑克森在昨日驟逝。◎『網球王子』原作漫畫家許斐剛(39)、
『BLEACH 死神』原作漫畫家久保帶人(32)、
劇場版『福星小子 完結篇』動畫監督出崎哲(69)、




《USAToday》Michael Jackson: A look back at his life--Flash Time Line。



Dear MJ,


I believe today is the saddest day for all of us, to hear that you’ve gone too soon. Why you? Why an invincible and unbreakable superstar like you, the King of POP, who shining my colorful life, has just left us without showing the charming dances and saying goodbye? I am threatened and scream for long time…..You are my life!! Don’t walk away from us……


090626(1) - A Letter to Michael Jackson. Remember the King of POP (2/4)


I still remember the time in my childhood and first watched you singing “Billie Jean” , I was totally shocked and speechless. That was the most wonderful experience in my life. I often stood in my room, stared at the man in the mirror, to imagine singing on the stage, doing “moonwalk” to wow the people. In my memories, your many great songs have turned my bad for good. Many songs of you have encouraged me wanna be startin’ somethin’ better than ever. Truely, you rock my world!


傑克森2090626(1) - A Letter to Michael Jackson. Remember the King of POP (3/4)


Not only your impressive performances enchanted me, but your deep concern through them also allowed me to think more widely. You always keep the faith that whatever people are black or white, we are mankind of the only Earth, so why not come together to heal the world.  It’s our responsibility and it is more human nature. Such like that, your thoughts from the songs always make a big influence deep in me.


090626(1) - A Letter to Michael Jackson. Remember the King of POP (4/4)


Every time when I am in hard and dangerous moment, I listen to your song. Whenever I want to Xscape from a jam, I look for your song. When I shout out “Beat it!! Just leave me alone!!” I still cannot help searching for your voice. I like the way you make me feel, and I just can’t stop loving you~~~I wish that I could rock with you someday……


TIME – Special Commemorative「Michael Jackson」


Michael, Will you be there safe and sound?

My star and my hero. Please REST IN PEACE.

Your fan, ccsx, from Taiwan.




《WEB Anime Style – サムシング吉松の死んぢゃえばいいのに!》第965回:さよならマイケル!

《Densetsu no Basho》麥可傑克森和音速小子3(SONIC 3)。

《Densetsu no Basho》11月2日,先從馬龍白蘭度的兒子的感想開始吧。



永別麥可:Gone too soon……

4 thoughts on “090626(1) – A Letter to Michael Jackson. Remember the King of POP. 「流行樂之王」麥可·傑克森在昨日驟逝。

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